As part of its efforts to ensure a rapid response to humanitarian emergencies around the world, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA)—the lead U.S. Government (USG) office for international disaster response—stockpiles relief supplies at regional warehouses in Miami, Florida; Pisa, Italy; and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Stockpiled commodities include blankets, plastic sheeting for emergency shelter, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, water purification tablets, 10-liter collapsible water containers, and 10,000-liter water storage bladders.
In addition to warehoused items, USAID/OFDA maintains a full-time team that handles logistics-related requests in the aftermath of disaster. The USAID/OFDA logistics team based in Washington, D.C., coordinates the delivery of relief supplies from regional warehouse hubs to affected areas via air, sea, or land. USAID/OFDA logisticians can also quickly procure relief items that are not stockpiled in regional warehouses from numerous suppliers worldwide. When working in the field, USAID/OFDA logistics personnel help receive the relief commodities and ensure that supplies reach implementing partners for distribution to affected populations.
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, through grants and in-kind contributions to humanitarian partners, USAID/OFDA provided nearly $170 million for relief commodities and associated transport, as well as for other logistical support. This funding represents approximately 20 percent of the total humanitarian assistance USAID/OFDA provided globally during the fiscal year.